Thursday, March 25, 2010

Autism Awareness Month

This month is Autism Awareness Month. Autism Speaks has launched a number of initiatives in order to raise money and awareness for autism and autism research.

One of the campaigns involves 'Toys R Us.' Donations will be collected at stores in both Canada and the U.S. Additionally, certain toys marked 'Top Ten Toys that Speak to Autism' can be viewed online. It will be interesting to see if this effort is effective. At this point it seems that Autism Speaks is focusing mainly on children in order to get information and awareness out. Since it is mostly parents that shop at 'Toys R Us' approaching them to support children with autism is a good strategy.

However autism effects more than just children. Research for adult autism is just as important, especially since we are realizing that the autism spectrum covers such a wide range of people. When looking at the Autism Speaks website there are multiple pictures of children but almost none of adults. Autism Speaks mission statement states that they wish to change the future for "all who struggle with autism." Doesn't that include adults? Or is it simply easier to raise money for children?

1 comment:

  1. ok, so why then is it focusing on children? is it wrong or misguided for them to do so when adult autism is prevalent? you ask several nice questions here. so what do you think the answers are to them?
